Corporate social responsibility

Together for Tomorrow: Save Children Today.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility is a defining factor of how we stand in the world. As a part of our CSR programs, we help in recycling activities, engage in collective community building and bring aid to the underprivileged. We see this as a valuable footprint of how we stand in the world and wish to be able to make a measurable impact on the society we live in. Societal upliftment is the call of the hour, and we at Fresh & Honest are, in our own small ways, attempting to put ideals into practice as best we can.

Cup of Learning


(4th edition with Save the Children)

The Course begins by explaining the beans, blends, roast and fundamental
concepts of brewing parameters such as grinding, extraction temperatures. The session will be a combination of a brief history and basic knowledge about coffee, tips & trick for espresso brewing with practical overview.

Duration: 04 Days

Location: Seva Kendra Kolkata

Training Session Snapshots

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